Adexar is distinguished as a combination product through its broad range of. Technical brief news and crop production advice from frontier talk to the people that work for the company that makes a difference. Adexar is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats.
Adexar® Farming and Crop Protection
Thiophanate methyl 45% + pyraclostrobin 5% fs.
“if we have a high disease situation this season, using 1 litre/ha won’t be enough.
Apply adexar after growth stage bbch 25 (tillering) at the start of disease attack. Adexar is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats. Adexar is a highly effective fungicide based on the innovative active ingredient xemium®. Crop protection product, fungicide 1.3.
A systemic fungicide for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats.
At adexar in a bad disease situation. It disrupts fungal growth through inhibition of the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase (sdh). G/l ec (adexar) table 1: Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised against relevant identified uses:
Solani) treatments technical and trade name dose per littre of water percent disease index percent decrease over control t1 flusilazole 12.5% + carbendazim 25%.
Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops. (ceriax, adexar) and penthiopyrad (vertisan). Adexar should be used in accordance with the instructions for use for the target diseases at the specific growth stages indicated. The fluxapyroxad product is for foliar and seed treatment applications against fungal diseases such as septoria, botrytis, erysiphe, cercospora, puccinia, rhizoctonia and pyrenophora spp.
An emulsifiable concentrate containing 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) epoxiconazole and 62.5 g/litre (6% w/w) fluxapyroxad.
The product provides excellent disease control in numerous crops and contributes decisively to securing yield and quality. Combining the two active ingredients ensures that relevant fungal diseases are controlled in a particularly secure and prolonged way. The product provides excellent disease control in numerous crops and contributes decisively to securing yiel. The product provides excellent disease control in numerous crops and contributes decisively to securing yield and quality.
The approval granted by the british beer and pubs association (bbpa), with testing undertaken by campden bri, opens the doors to treating spring and winter.
Adexar® is a highly effective fungicide based on the innovative active ingredient xemium®. Identification of the substance/mixture and of the company/undertaking 1.1. In this issue fungicide performance in wheat disease control stuart hill, technical and development manager, has reviewed. Adexar is a systemic fungicide with protectant and curative properties for use in winter wheat, spring wheat, durum wheat, winter barley, spring barley, triticale, rye and oats.
30519170/sds_cpa_gb/en) date of print 01.09.2017 section 1:
Adexar ® is a highly effective fungicide based on the innovative active ingredient xemium ®. Evaluation of new fungicide against sheath blight of rice (r. In independent trials conducted by sruc, niab tag and adas, adexar and librax (fluxapyroxad+ metconazole) have yielded an average of more than 0.2t/ha over aviator (bixafen+ prothioconazole) across 73 comparisons from 2014. Fluxapyroxad is a fungicide active ingredient first developed by basf.
It could also jeopardise the future of the sdhis.” bob mills, technical manager with frontier agriculture, says that any differences between the three new fungicides were very marginal in the company’s 2011 trials.
The basf product has been approved for use in barley