Fisher boat in halong bay, vietnam by steffen kamprath. All the shots were racked out to 200mm if possible (fav focal length on the lens). Kit lenses, flexibility,… use them in their best places, you’ll be a successful photographer.
Nikon AFS DX NIKKOR 55200mm Lens Price in Kenya 0705596611
Please report links to pictures taken with this lens.
Horses in hutton country park by nickstone333.
That focal range is simply the most useful for the scenes i normally shoot. It's a basic lens for people who want to go places and make great pictures, not a big fancy lens for people who want to brag to their friends and read about their equipment and dream about the pictures they never took. I did find the 200mm end to be a bit short but it was still usable. Packed street, hanoi (vietnam) by steffen kamprath.
Malachite beetle in hutton country park by nickstone333
Build quality is just ok. It allows me to go wide angle and provides enough zoom to get closer to subjects. But it is, none the less, a very good lens. They’re similar in many ways:
Excellent lens that rivals much, much costlier lenses.
Like a few others have said, it's a bit of a slow lens, which i found frustrating so i. Autumn landscape by linnea sw. Not bad for a lens that costs a fraction. The body mount and filter threads are.
I don't usually hang out in the camera forum (spend more time in the lighting forum), but have been hoping for some news on the d40 replacement, and you guys seem to be in the know.
Woman eating at a cookshop in the streets of hanoi, vietnam by steffen kamprath. Street scene in ho chi minh city, vietnam by steffen kamprath.