Watch Bowhunter Zaps 150 Class Brusier On Camera Bow Hunting Monster Buck Whitetail Deer

150 Class 10 Point Whitetail A Large 11 Buck Stands On A Ridge In A Forest Deer Photography Deer Photography Deer

Remember that for a point to count towards the whitetails score the tine must be at least one inch. To qualify for the BC All-Time awards program a whitetail buck has to.

The easiest point to reference tine length is the ear base to tip measurement. To put Jasons buck into perspective consider just how difficult it is to place an 8-point whitetail into the BC books. By estimating how much longer or shorter each tine length is G1 G2 G3 G4 etc than the ear measurement of 7-8 inches you can quickly gather a rough sum of.

Monster Buck Whitetail Whitetail Deer Pictures Deer Pictures Whitetail Deer

150-class 10 point filmed on Nov.

7 2008 in Calhoun county IL.

The buck jumped the string and was hit in the upper neck. Although he was blood trailed for over 600 yards he was not recovered. Whether youre looking to hunt a management deer or a true Texas whitetail giant look no further. Our specialty at 5 Star Outfitters is hunting 150 BC to 200 class whitetails.

Our Texas whitetail ranch has been expertly managed and have some of the best genetics you will find in a Texas Hunting ranch.

What does a 150 8 point look like. Midwest Whitetail SE. Nov 21 2016 10. Nov 21 2016 10.

I killed this one 2 years ago in Crisp County as well.

Not quite 150 but he scored 142. 170 is world class for an 8. I think the record 8 is maybe 181. Kansas is well known for big whitetails but to reach full potential animals need to be given a chance to grow to full maturity.

Ted has a camp policy of only shooting 150-class deer or bigger.

To help maintain his policy there is a financial penalty for hunters who harvest a buck scoring less than the 150 minimum. Quest For A 150-Inch Buck. In todays world of quality deer management great food-plot mixes and a dozen other factors that help us grow and harvest great whitetails it is still very difficult to harvest a really big whitetail buck. Picking the right hunt at the right time is the most important factor by far.

Missed this 160 class whitetail buck at 34 yards with a bow.

He was chasing several does and I finally got him stopped and I missed. I have trail camera pic. None of the first 300 whitetail deer that are listed in the Boone and Crockett Record Books are 8 Point Bucks. The reason for this is because an 8 Point Buck gets less measurements than a 10 Point buck or any buck possessing more than 10 Points.

Therefore it takes a monster 8 Point to score well.

Whether youre looking to hunt a management deer or a true Texas whitetail giant look no further. Our specialty at 5 Star Outfitters is hunting 150 BC to 200 class whitetails. Our Texas whitetail ranch has been expertly managed and have some of the best genetics you will find in a Texas Hunting ranch. That big 150-class 10-point now hangs on my wall reminding me continually about how magical the rut can be in November even in the middle of the day.

Video That May Interest You In the years that have followed since Ive become an even bigger believer in the idea of hunting all hours of the day both from my own time in the woods as.

This hand gun hunter made a amazing shot on this 155 inch whitetail buck making the SCI Record book ranking number 2 under the North-west typical estate. The super-wide 13-point rack has an inside spread of 27 inches and beams over 25. The bucks net typical score of 185-⅛ pushed it to the top of the BC typical whitetail category in 1953. 150 class deer I would give 16 inches per side as an average mass measurement etc.

Know the average mass for a mature deer in the area you are hunting and use that as a rule of thumb.

Tine length Tine length is measured from the main beam to the tip of the tine. Each tine measuring over 1 counts toward the gross score. What does a 140 deer look like - 121010 0200 AM. Bottom right and top middle with long brow tines.

But I see that you have already posted the score of the one to the right of the long brow tine buck which was over 140 Hard to see the right g2 due to pic angle.

Countless hours of scouting yielded many sightings of velvet-clad 140- to 150-class bucks. Yet my focus was on one buck. A gorgeous 10-pointer I finally spied during the first week of October. The buck was huge with tines spread well beyond his ears.

The larger ones looked to be 12 inches long.

What makes this bucks rack so unique is how large massive and clean his 10-point frame is. There are only two tiny kickers on the entire rack. It has an inside spread of nearly 25 inches main beams of roughly 29 and 31 inches G2s of 12 inches and mass over 6 inches. Regardless of score harvesting this giant whitetail was a dream come true.

I did a lot of research to find an Outfitter over the internet and after several calls and emails I selected Don Tyschuk of Alberta Whitetail Connection.

That year I took a nice 150 class 10 point that was a BIG deer to an ole boy from Alabama. Mike Kembles 4x4 Portage Co 179 58 state record will be going into the BBBC Record Book this year. Bob Haneys 180 5x4 scored as an 8 point is technically tops. If the BC Standard allowed us to forget about symmetry and nontypical points I would have the world record 8 point at over 200.

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